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Community Training

Smoke Detector Installation


If you are a resident of Scott Township and live in our coverage area, the East Carnegie Volunteer Fire Department is proud to offer our new Smoke Detector/Carbon Monoxide Alarm Program.  The Program includes all of the following free of charge:


•    Assistance with battery changing for elderly or handicap residents. 


•    Inspection of current Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms. 


•    Installation of new Smoke Detectors and/or Carbon Monoxide Alarms to meet NFPA Codes 720 & 72.  


•    The number of detectors per household are limited. 


•    If you are interested, contact us to schedule an appointment

CPR Certification


Sudden cardiac arrest is a medical emergency that claims about 350,000 American lives each year. In most cases, this situation is due to a lethal condition of a rapidly quivering heart. This heart is now no longer able to pump blood to the rest of the body. 


Many studies have shown that when CPR is started immediately to a person who is showing no signs of life, and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is used within 3-5 minutes, it can correct this lethal heart condition. This can result in high long term survival rates for the community. 


The East Carnegie Volunteer Fire Department recognizes this important medical situation and now offers CPR classes throughout the year to the community.

Car Seat Installation and Inspection


The one-on-one education of a safety check usually takes 20-30 minutes depending on the car seat and the vehicle. The CPST should take all the time necessary to ensure that you feel competent and confident in re-securing the car seat into the vehicle and re-buckling your child into the car seat on your own. 

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East Carnegie Volunteer Fire Department | 305 Duncan Way, Carnegie, PA 15106

Emergency: 9-1-1   Business: 412-276-7050

© East Carnegie Volunteer Fire Department

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