Adult Fire Prevention Education Training
It is a proven fact that the faster CPR is started the better chance of survival of someone in need. During 2013 our CPR/First Aid Instructors certified 73 adults.

Car Seat Checks - Every year thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Child safety seats, when properly installed, save lives. To assist parents the East Carnegie Fire, Medical, Rescue Department educates and guides parents through the correct installation of their child safety seat. Seats are inspected by appointment only.
Fire Extinguisher Training - The use of a fire extinguisher in the hands of a trained adult can be a life and property saving tool. However, a majority of adults have not had fire extinguisher training and may not know how and when to use them. Fire extinguisher use requires a sound decision making process and this training will help ensure that you have the confidence and skills necessary to take action should a fire occur.
CPR Training - Hands-only CPR is a potentially lifesaving technique involving no mouth to mouth contact. It's best used in emergencies where someone has seen another person collapse from sudden cardiac arrest. Hands-only CPR is simpler and easier to remember and studies have shown that being trained in hands-only CPR can make the lifesaving difference. We provide both types of CPR training.
Fire and Fall Prevention for our Older Adult Population - As we get older, we become more vulnerable to falls and fire. The East Carnegie Fire, Medical, Rescue Department has put together programs to address those needs. We offer presentations that cover slip and fall prevention, cooking safety, smoke alarm maintenance and escape plans.
Businesses - Many of the nation's annual 5,000 business fires could be prevented if companies and employees followed basic on-the-job safety practices. Topics that are covered include electrical & equipment safety, keeping exits and stairways clear, evacuation plans and fire extinguishers.